Today, September 8th is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today the Church remembers the Birth of Mary, our dear Mother. The Nativity of Mary is celebrated nine months after the Solemnity of her Immaculate Conception (Dec 8th). Let us celebrate with joy the birth of the Virgin Mary of whom was born our Lord Jesus Christ. What joy it must have been to Saints Joachim and Anne on the birth of their beloved daughter Mary. Yes this is the day the Mother of Our Lord was born, this is the day the Mother of the Whole Universe was born. Let us offer all our joys and sorrows to her on her birthday. Let us commend our souls and bodies to our Heavenly Mother. Her maternal intercession will lead us to her beloved Son. When we entrust our lives to Mary, we can be assured that her holy intercession will take care of all our spiritual needs.

When you follow her; you will not go astray;
When you pray to her, You will not despair;
When you think of her, You will not err;
When she holds you up, You will not fail;
When she protects you, You will not fear;
When she leads you, You will not be fatigued;
When she favors you, You will arrive safely.
She keeps her Son from striking us;
She keeps the devil from hurting us;
She keeps our virtues from escaping us;
She keeps our merits from being destroyed;
She keeps our graces from being lost.
(St Bernard)
Happy Birthday Mother Mary!!!
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