Prayers to Mother Mary
Here are a few Prayers & Novenas to the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of the whole universe.

- Hail Mary
- How to pray the Rosary
- Hail Holy Queen
- The Angelus
- The Regina Coeli
- The Memorare
- Salutations to Mary
- Petition to Our Lady
- Prayer to Mother Mary
- The Chaplet (Little Rosary) of the Seven Sorrows of Mary
- The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Sep 8th)
- Short Consecration to Mother Mary
- Litany of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Novena Prayer to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- Novena to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Novena to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Novena Prayer to the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary
- Prayer to Mother Mary for Peace of Mind
- Prayer to Mother Mary in Time of Need
- Prayer to Mary Mother of Good Counsel
- Prayer to Our Lady of Grace
- Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
- Prayer to Our Lady of Expectation
- Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
- Prayer to Our Lady of Velankani
- Prayer to Our Lady of America
- Prayer to Our Lady of the Veil
- Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
- Prayer to Our Lady of Czestochowa
- Novena to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
- Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows
- Prayer to Our Sorrowful Mother for a Favor
- Novena Prayer to Our Lady of Good Remedy (Source of Unfailing Help)
- Prayer of St. Aloysius to the Blessed Mother
- Prayer to Our Lady of La Leche for Motherhood
- Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour or Help
- Prayer to Virgin Mary, Queen of Apostles
- Prayer to Mother Mary or the Healing of Your Spouse
- Prayer to Mother Mary for those Suffering with Cancer
- Prayer for Our Children to Our Lady of Divine Providence
- Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe for the Conversion of the Americas and the Whole World
- Prayer to Mother Mary for the Health of An Expectant Mother and Her Unborn Child
- Prayer to Mother Mary for those Seeking to Conceive a Child
- Prayer to Our Lady during Times of Personal Illness
- Prayer to Our Lady for Emotional Healing
- Prayer to Mother Mary For a Sick Relative or Friend
- Prayer to Our Lady for Protection Against Danger
Prayers to Saints
Here are a few Prayers & Novenas to our beloved Saints. May the Lord Almighty answer all your prayers through the intercession of these Saints in heaven. A Novena is a nine day prayer. It maybe a single prayer said for nine days or a set of individual prayers for each of the nine days.
Prayers to St. Joseph
- Pope Leo XIII’s Prayer to St. Joseph (Protector of the Universal Church)
- Prayer to St. Joseph to Obtain a Special Favor
- Prayer to St. Joseph for Inspiration
- The Merits of the Heart of St. Joseph
- Prayer to St. Joseph for a Happy Death
- Memorare of Saint Joseph
- Litany of St. Joseph
- Blessed Pope John XXIII’s Prayer to St. Joseph
- Short Novena to St. Joseph
- Traditional Novena Prayer to Saint Joseph
Prayers to St. Anthony
- Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony (Patron Saint of Lost Items, Poor and Travelers)
- Novena Prayer to St. Anthony (Patron Saint of Barren Women & Pregnant Women)
- Prayer to St. Anthony of Padua Seeking Lost Articles
Prayers to St. Anne
- Short Prayer to St. Anne (Patron Saint of Grandmothers and Housewives)
- Novena to St. Anne (Patron Saint of Grandmothers and Housewives)
- Nine Day Novena to St. Anne
- Memorare to St. Anne To Obtain a Special Favor
- Prayer to St. Ann for Healing from Sickness
Prayers to St. Gerard
- Prayer to St. Gerard for Motherhood
- A Mother’s Prayer to St. Gerard (Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers)
- Prayer to St. Gerard Majella for a Safe Delivery
- Nine Day Novena to St. Gerard (Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers)
Prayers to St. Gianna
- Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Prayer (Patron Saint of Mothers, Physicians & Unborn Children)
- Novena to Saint Gianna (Patron Saint of Mothers, Physicians & Unborn Children)
Prayers to St. Jude
- Prayer to St. Jude (Patron Saint of Desperate and lost causes)
- Prayer to St. Jude for a Special Favor
Prayers to St. Therese of Lisieux (Little Flower)
Prayers to St. Michael
Prayers to St. Raphael
- Short Prayer to St. Raphael (Patron Saint of Travelers and the Blind)
- Prayer to St. Raphael for a Cure
- Prayer to St. Raphael for Purity
- Prayer to St. Raphael for the Wise Choice of a Marriage Partner
Prayers to the Holy Angels
Prayers to other Beloved Saints
- Prayer to the Holy Family
- Prayer to St. Aloysius for Purity
- Prayer to St. Alphonsa
- Prayer to St. Anthony Mary Claret for the Cure of Cancer or Other Serious Ailment
- Short Prayer to St. Benedict (Patron of Monks)
- Prayer to St. Bernadette
- Prayer to St. Clare of Assisi
- Short Prayer to St. Dominic Savio
- Prayer in Honor of St. Dymphna (Patroness of Those with Mental and Nervous Disorders)
- Prayer to St. Faustina (Apostle of Divine Mercy)
- Prayer for the Canonization of Blessed Francisco and Jacintha Marto
- A Child’s Prayer through the Intercession of St. John Bosco
- Prayer to Blessed Pope John Paul II
- Short Prayer to St. Lawrence (Patron of Chefs & Comedians)
- Short Prayer to St. Luke (Patron Saint of Physicians)
- Prayer to St. Maria Goretti for Purity and Holiness
- Short Prayer to St. Martin de Porres
- Novena Prayer to St. Maximilian Kolbe (Patron Saint of Drug Addicts & Prisoners)
- Short Prayer to St. Monica (Patron of Married Women and Mothers)
- Hail Glorious Saint Patrick (Patron Saint of Ireland)
- Short Prayer to St. Paul (Patron Saint of Gentile Christians)
- Prayer to St. Peregrine (Patron Saint of the Cancer Afflicted)
- Prayer in Honor of Saint Peter Julian Eymard
- Novena to St. Philomena (Patron Saint of Babies)
- Prayer to St. Padre Pio (Patron of Confessors and Adolescents)
- Novena Prayer to St. Rita of Cascia (Patron Saint of Mothers and Abused Women)
- Short Prayer to St. Sebastian (Patron of Athletes, Archers and Soldiers)
- Prayer to St. Thomas the Apostle
- Prayer to One’s Patron Saint
- Prayer to One’s Patron Saint on Baptismal Anniversary
- St. Andrew Christmas Novena Prayer
Monthly Devotions
A glimpse into the Lives and Writings of Saints
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