Here is an intercessory prayer for all families struggling with difficulties. May the Lord hear our prayers and heal all families and bring them closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, please intercede for all families here on earth.
Lord, wash all broken families in your precious blood and remove all negative feelings they have for each other and fill them with your constant love.
Lord, take away from them all bitterness, anger and the desire to hurt each other. May they grown strong in your love.
Lord, have mercy on those families where they have no time for Prayer. May they come closer to you through daily family prayer.
Lord, have pity on families where they live only to gratify the flesh. May they grow spiritually.
Lord Jesus, have mercy on all families who believe in black magic, witchcraft and other evil practices. Set them free Lord, from all these bondages and help them to believe only in You – one God forever and ever.
Lord, have mercy on families who live in selfishness and pride, and where there is no real sharing of all that you have given to them generously. May they live their lives for you.
Lord have mercy on families who suffer because of alcoholism or drug addiction. Lord touch them and heal them. Give to all who are affected, strength and the courage to accept their and to wait patiently for deliverance.
Lord have mercy on couples who do not have a child, a good job, a house to live in. Lord bless them in your kindness and mercy.
Lord we pray for all those who are struggling with sickness, financial problems, and other sufferings. Lord, be merciful to them and help them in their needs.
Lord, we pray that all families may give the first place to Jesus in their hearts and thus become your witnesses.
Lord, give us real sorrow for all our sins and give us the strength to live a virtuous life and to always glorify you. Amen.
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