Lord Jesus, be with my family. Grant us Your peace and harmony, an end to conflict and division. Gift us with compassion to better understand each other, wisdom and love to assist each other, and trust and patience to live peacefully together. Grant that through the intercession of your mother, Mary, and St. Joseph, our […]
Family Prayer
Here is a daily family prayer for all of us. Let us submit ourselves and our families to the divine will of our Heavenly Father. O God of goodness and mercy, to Thy fatherly guidance we commend our family, our household and all our belongings. We commit all to Thy love and keeping. Keep far […]
Prayer for Families
This is a daily prayer for all families. Heavenly Father, you have provided us with a magnificient example in the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Give us the grace to follow that ideal through the practice of family virtues in the bond of charity and thereby assure ourselves of living happily forever in your heavenly […]
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