The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a solemnity in the Roman Catholic Church and is celebrated nineteen days after Pentecost. Since Pentecost is always celebrated on Sunday, Feast of the Sacred Heart will be on a Friday. The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is on June 15th, 2012. The Alliance […]
Novena to Saint Joseph
It is said that this prayer was found in the fiftieth year or Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In 1505 it was sent from the Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. Whoever shall read this prayer, or hear it or keep it about themselves shall never die a sudden death, […]
Prayer to Sacred Heart of Jesus on First Friday of the Month
The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents Jesus’ divine love for humanity. The Feast of the Sacred Heart is a solemnity in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar, and is celebrated 19 days after Pentecost. As Pentecost is always celebrated on Sunday, the Feast of the Sacred Heart always falls on a Friday. Jesus Christ appeared to […]
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
St. Gianna Beretta Molla is a Roman Catholic Saint, canonized on May 16th, 2004 by his Holiness Pope John Paul II. Gianna was an Italian physician, a wife and a loving mother. She is best known for refusing both an abortion and a hysterectomy when she was pregnant with her fourth child, despite knowing that […]
The Novena to the Divine Mercy
The Novena of Divine Mercy is recited on the nine days before the Feast of Mercy. The Feast of the Divine Mercy or Divine Mercy Sunday falls on the Octave of Easter (the Sunday immediately following Easter). This Novena is recited each day, starting from Good Friday. The novena prayers for each of the nine […]
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